Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Thanks ... and... Thanks

Thanks for reading guys... and for tweeting (those of you who could) i really appreciate all the support especially from my random stranger new friends...

And... thank you to my readers and WLorB for keeping me motivated... I have not been the best at eating right... no crazy splurges or anything, just a spoon and a jar of peanut butter... mmmm...

BUT I did go swimming today! YAY me!.... Did like 8 laps in less than 20 minutes... but I really was not feeling at all like going to the gym today.... but knowing that I have people expecting me to do better for myself pushed me to get into the pool... and after that it was all down hill!!

Thanks guys!!!

Oh, and a question:

Do you ever not feel safe? Maybe, irrationally, but still....?
I will probably explain more later... probably


  1. That is great! Personally I prefer the pool. I stay cool; I get a full body workout; and I have low-no impact in the water.

    To answer your question... I am actually going to touch on that with my next weight loss blog post. One of the things keeping me from losing weight is a fear of being assaulted. I guess I figure, if I'm not attractive, no one will want to attack me. On those days when my self esteem is really high, I'm wearing a cute skirt, and have a little get up in my step, I worry that others notice and make take advantage. I bet no one does, but I think it's a rational fear.

  2. i have a huge fear of falling.

    Right after my mom died, my 8th grade class went on a trip to a YMCA camp in upstate NY. I was 13.

    We went on 2 hikes that scared the bejeebus out of me. I remember crawling up the side of a waterfall crying the whole time "I'm going to die."

    I laugh about it now, but man... I did not feel safe.

  3. Yes there are times when I did not feel safe. Listen to your feelings. There is a great book out there called *The Gift of Fear* by Gavin de Becker. It is WONDERFUL!

  4. I watch too much law & order, Criminal Minds, and Cold Case so yes sometimes I get really paranoid and scared....

    Great job on the swimming! Isnt PB evil? Have you heard of bell plantations PB? Its super low fat and all natural defatted PB. Google "bell plantations" and you should be able to find it :)
