Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Who Loves Orange Soda?

Kellllllll Loves Orange Soda!

I can't say that I should be drinking more water... fortunately I drink plenty each day... but I probably drink too much diet soda...

I don't know when it started, but for as long as I can remember I have a hard time drinking calories... Is there any liquid that contains calories... no juices, no milk, no coffees... I consider those to be treats since there is nothing gained by drinking them, and typically I am still hungry afterwards so I'll have to add those calories to the calories in the drink... it just never added up for me...

I know that juice has vitamin C and Milk has vitamin D... but you can get those nutrients from other, less caloric, foods...

So I avoid drinking my calories whenever possible...

In enters Diet Soda... What an amazing invention! For those of us not raised on 'regular' soda, diet probably tastes just fine and does us dieter, c'mon it is clearly marketed towards us... why else would it be called 'diet'? I can get that sweet taste AND caffeine with no calories... SCORE!!! I am really not worried about artificial sugars... not at all... I just don't see enough science to back up claims that they are poisons.... but your body does produce insulin, in similar levels to that of drinking regular soda, when you drink a diet soda so that probably ups your risk for diabetes... and phosphoric acid is some nasty stuff [trust me, I make your food!] and has been linked to poor adsorption of calcium which can lead to all sorts of problems...

But the biggest reason it probably isn't good for us dieters? It just isn't natural... the human body has not evolved to handle this substance... why spend time cutting back on processed foods if you plan on guzzling processed drinks? An overall more towards healthy living and eating has to include a reduction in diet soda...

I enjoy diet soda, and I will probably keep drinking it... As long as you don't use it as an excuse to justify eating that double decker bacon cheeseburger - large sized because you 'saved' calories, and few sodas won't kill you... but in a perfect world I wouldn't be drinking them at all...



  1. Sounds like you have it right. I prefer drinking regular because they aren't as harmful to the body overall, but I understand why some people drink diet. I have cut my pepsis back to 24 cans a month. I buy one box and when they are gone, I'm done. Quitting something you enjoy cold turkey is leading yourself to failure in my opinion.

  2. I am right there with you! Can't stand to spend calories on drinks, plus there are some really good sparkling waters and what not that are very tasty. BUT I also agree all that processed stuff has to cause cancer or something, lol. You can find some flavored waters that have just a little of the stuff, and I guess that would be better than diet soda :)

  3. Good point Laura, about the drinking of calories, the only drink that I really drink that has calories is milk, other than that I drink water all day long, to me its good tasting and I would prefer to eat my calories anyway.

    Take care

  4. I remember watching this show as a kid! Great reference. I LOVE diet soda. I don't know why -I've been drinking it forever, and know it's bad for me but I just can't help myself! Drinking calories is something I struggle with because they just taste good. I've switched from diet soda to Diet Green Tea, and am avoiding the caffeine headaches but am enjoying something besides just water!

    Have a great day!
